Tuesday, June 3, 2014


  1. a storm with a violent wind, in particular a tropical cyclone in the Caribbean.

Life's not that tough. At least, it's not supposed to be. Yet this doesn't deter the amount of grief one feels about their own life, how they look at problems and magnify their impact. In psychology there are various theories surfacing to analyze and pinpoint exactly where it was that went 'wrong'. But that's not the point, not now.

'To err is human'. Homo sapiens think themselves to be the most evolved and intelligent species on the planet - a discrimination known as 'specism'. Yet despite all our intelligence and ability to rationalise information, we err. And arguably, we err more so than any other species on the planet. There's something about the animal kingdom that makes justice prevalent. Animals adapt through natural selection; the weaker organisms evolve scales and camouflaging abilities, while the stronger ones adopt keener vision and more formidable preying abilities. As the church and determinists may argue, everything happens for a reason and the world will maintain equilibrium.

Why do humans defer in that aspect? It may seem controversial, but personally I believe that the world's fairness will prevail. Human beings may have been blessed to be more evolved mentally than any other species, but we have also been cursed with compassion, rationality and regret. It's not to say that animals are some cruel, self-serving species, but humans are supposed to be the ones who have the ability to bring about changes, but sometimes these changes are not for the better. Such power comes with a heavy price to pay, and one might argue that one might be happier being born a rodent or a chimpanzee, something without the onerous burden of experiencing such emotions.

Control. Control is quintessential in everything we do, every decision we make. That's something that once we learn, we achieve some sort of nirvana-like spiritual experience. Gaining control over our emotions, gaining control over one's efficacy, that's real power. And that will become the only power that can control you. Everything will be in your hands. Our problems aren't real problems, they're perceived to be problems. Perception comes from the mind, which even though it ironically belongs to us, we can't control it's every thought. Should we be able to, personal problems will no longer surface. Self-esteem issues, depression, and self-pity will be eradicated in our lives. 

Most of us beings who lack the fortune to gain such self control find ourselves tossed into the tumultuous winds of life, being exposed to things perceived to be obstacles and problems. Sometimes we are lucky and manage to find our way in the blurry fog that mired our vision, while others struggle to find one beam of light amongst the haze. It's not easy, and definitely sometimes we reevaluate whether seeking the answer is the right thing to do. Sometimes we wonder if it's better to hold onto things for sentiment, or let them go for progress. Then comes the debate over tradition vs  innovation, but that's a topic for another day.

Whenever I find myself face to face with difficulties, I feel grateful for being a part of this species. For having the privilege to possess such strong emotions and thoughts that bring about this burden of decision making. Although sometimes I seriously consider trading this privilege to become a goldfish, it's pretty neat to be human, and find beauty in this hurricane.

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