Monday, November 21, 2016


Within the blink of an eye, there's only 1.5 more months till 2017. 2016 has flew past immensely fast. Since my graduation from university in May, things have been super hectic.

I finished my 5+ month internship with E_ School. It's a special needs school for children with autism between the ages of 7-18. It was probably the most memorable job I ever had. I've always loved teaching, and always loved children. Initially, it was a bit of a culture shock seeing everything I know about mainstream school transform before my eyes. Teachers had their recesses with their students, they sat in their classes and had to ask for permission for everything to teach them social skills. They learnt social interactions in class, followed a customised schedule that catered to their individual needs and were disciplined/taught by their teachers according to their interests. The teachers put such deep thought and effort into educating their students, and that really inspired me. The children are also the most loving, sweet and sensitive children I have ever encountered. A big part of dealing with moderate to severe autistic children is that they seldomly have the capacity to lie. This makes them take everything almost literally, one of the most endearing characteristics I love about them. They speak without filter, and their love for you is genuine. Seeing some of the children upset when I told them I was leaving deeply moved me. I know for sure that they will truly miss me, the way I will miss them dearly. I have learnt so much from my time here. I learnt to be flexible, disciplined, observant and adaptable. I learnt how to specially connected with each unique individual, to help them in the ways I can and to see their growth. I teared during the AGC, seeing the students graduate and the others move up a level. It's only been 3 days since I stopped work but I already miss them terribly. I might go back there to work after my honours.

I myself am a rather rigid person. I don't deal well with major changes and hate hate haaaaate a lack of structure. Ever since graduating, structure has hardly been present in my life. The sky's the limit and the world is your oyster. Anything is possible now, but I start to question what I really want. I have always been a planner, an avid one at that. I planned to go for honours in uow, to come back to singapore and do masters in clinical psychology at either jcu or nus. To work in a psychology clinic, get married, have children and start lecturing part time in sim. After what I have experienced in E_, I struggle to find what I wanted to be what I really want. It's gonna take me a while to figure it out. But I have always had.

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