2014 has been one of the most emotionally
draining, uplifting, confusing, amazing, unexpected, dramatized,
thought-provoking and significant years of my life.
It was the year I took my first overseas
trip with my friends
It was the year I first got food poisoning
from the seafood from said overseas trip
It was the first time I went to a country
while riots were going on (bkk)
It was the first time I went to a Disney
themed party ^_^
It was the first time I spent the whole day
(and night) of valentine’s day with someone special
It was the first time I received a pink
glitter rose J
It was the first time I celebrated a guy’s
It was the first time I panicked during a
performance (jr showcase)
It was the first time I did learnt a baby
It was the first time I handled a camp
group of over 9 guys (and I wanted to die screaming at them to listen to me
It was the first time I watched a dance
It was the first time I rode in a car
driven by someone who wasn’t over 30
It was the first time I got to navigate a
car (and I got us lost double lol)
It was the first time I went to a Halloween
event at a club
It was the first time I cooked pasta for
somebody’s birthday
It was the first time I (half-drunk) went
to somebody’s house in the middle of the night
It was the first time I learnt not to tell
people too much
It was the first time an elephant touched
me against my will
It was the first time I jumped I went to
adventure cove (and found it to be pretty lame)
It was the first time I witnessed a real
life contortionist and a guy who put chains attached to a weight through his
tongue and nose and swallowed a sword (I puked a little inside)
It was the first time I ordered from taobao
(idek why this is here)
It was the first time ate salmon without
being forced to (and started loving it since)
It was the first time I had to say goodbye
to a close friend who was going overseas for a period of time
It was the first time I felt intimidated by
other girls
It was the first time I started caring
about how I can be a better girlfriend
It was the first time I lost confidence in
psychology as a future career L
It was the first time I got on a dean’s
It was the first time I got rejected from a
It was the first time I visited IMH
It was the first time I watched a locking
It was the first time I went to a bar in
Holland village
It was the first time my age started w a 2
It was the first time I worked as a dancer
It was the first time I took on more
tuition jobs than I ever did
It was the first time I went blonde (tips)
It was the first time I performed for a
It was the first time I acted as a bird for
more than half of an item LOL
It was the first time I felt insecure in a
It was the first time I felt slightly more
confident about my dancing
It was the first time I discovered the joys
of blasting spotify playlists in the shower
It was the first time I ate a durian cream
It was the first time I bought a polaroid
as a birthday present
It was the first time I went to 2 concerts
for free (knf and kurt)
It was the first time I washed dishes at a
friend’s house
It was the first time I cried so much since
my waigong’s funeral
It was the first time I felt so much in
love with someone to the extent where I can see a future that enters marriage
It was the first time I picked up learning
It was the first time I surprised someone
for her birthday at midnight
It was the first time I nearly died of
period cramps
It was the first time my boobs shrank *cries
It was the first time I sewed my own
costume/altered my own clothes
It was the first time I put someone’s
wallpaper on my desktop screen
It was the first time I let a boy paint my
nails (can’t really rmb if this was in late 2013 or early 2014)
It was the first time I got over my fear of
It was the first time I visited a dog café
It was the first time I got a prada bag
heheh omg this is an accomplishment please do not judge
It was the first time I found people out of
my class that shares the same deep passionate love in psychology as I do
It was the first time I learnt so much
about business
It was the first time I cried on someone’s
shoulders who I’ve met twice in my life
It was the first time I got asked to leave
a club (long story)
It was the first time I drank sheridan’s
It was the first time I got surprised at
midnight on my birthday <3
It was the first time I bought a couple
It was the first time I ran for fun after
my last napfa in 2012
It was the first time I felt accomplished
as a tutor
It was the first time I experienced a
It was the first time I felt like using a
time turner to go back to 5 minutes before I said something
It was the first time I worried about money
and my life about graduation
It was the first time I felt like honesty
isn’t always the best policy
It was the first time I felt so many mixed
emotions about my social life
It was the first time I slept with someone
who I wasn’t in a relationship with
It was the first time I enjoy my own
company amongst other people
It was the first time I feel so young
amongst my friends
It was the first time said youngness makes
me feel like I haven’t lived enough and experienced enough before I start
taking on more responsibilities
It was the first time I feel like I can
trust someone to take care of me in the future
It was the first time I ate a wrap at
macdonalds (again, idek why this is here)
It was the first time I went to a beach
It was the first time wore a bikini
It was the first time I drank to the extent
I puked
It was the first time I played circle of
death and got so many dares
It was the first time I got the king’s cup
(but daryl and bryan helped me drink most of it thank you guys)
It was the first time actually felt so much
pain from the uterus that I bought the pink panadol
It was the first time I felt invisible
during trainings
It was the first time ‘performed’ a lot
more at a lot of different places
It was the first time I did a group graded
presentation in university
It was the first time I worked as a
calafare in a credit card advertisement
It was the first time I took on a modeling
job with a shoe company
It was the first time I went to
It was the first time I had a root canal
It was the first time I went white water
rafting since 2008
It was the first time I became more
financially independent
It was the first time one of my boob fell
out of my bikini and I might had flashed a lifeguard fml
It was the first time I cried studying
during university
It was the first time I copied my friend’s
assignment, which was graded for a module
It was the first time I was so involved in
dance that I neglected my friends, family and schoolwork
It was the first time I dated somebody from
the same school and cca
It was the first time received a Swarovski
necklace in the shape of a heart
It was the first time I made mashed potato
There are so many more firsts that 2014 has
let me experienced, but I can’t seem to recall them at the moment. It is the
most significant year of my life where so much has happened, so many different
emotions felt, and I experienced the most mental and emotional instability I
have probably experienced my whole life lol. But downs aside, 2014 has its ups
as well. I got to know myself better as a person, what I want in life and how I
can become a better person. I’m still a work in progress (preferably a diamond
in the rough), but I’ll get there soon. It’s not December yet and this year has
passed by in the blink of an eye, with everything going on, so I found it in
myself to sit down and pen these thoughts down before time slips away again.
Hopefully I’ll be adding ‘It was the first
time I got an internship” and other good memories onto my list in the next 1.5
months I have left of 2014. May 2015 be a better year with a lot less drama and
a whole lot more ups. Please let me be more secure and confident of myself and
take things in stride. My greatest wish for 2015 (and onwards) will be better
emotional/mental stability and fulfillment. *sincerely hopes and prays
I don’t think I can take anymore downs for
now. But it was still a great year, and I’ve learnt so much from everything I
experienced, good or bad.