Friday, June 17, 2016

Holiday thoughts

One more week till I start work officially as an intern. And I'm sick. This 1.5months between the end of exams and start of internship flew by faster than I thought it would. I hope I'll be able to manage both internship and tutoring. As much as I want to just stop tutoring altogether, I still find it my responsibility to help my tutees until the end of the year.

Finally filled out my application form for honours. If all goes well, I'll be able to pursue my studies in Aussie. Leaving Singapore and everyone I love will be bitter sweet. So I have come to terms that in the event I do not qualify for honours, I'll still be happy here in Singapore.

Being sick and taking so many medications make me feel so drugged out. And for once my mind is more rested than ever. Controlling my impulses is so much easier too.

When I was younger I have always been a very transparent person. I don't hide who I am or what I think from others, so I was always easy to predict. Growing older made me realise that sometimes we need to hide what we think from others to save ourselves the agony of being judged. I don't really know how I feel about that, to be honest. On one hand I value transparency and genuineness in all relationships. But on the other there are just some things I wish I didn't know or hadn't divulged.

Haven't been particularly disciplined in achieving the goals I set for myself during this holidays. But I'm ok with it. Sometimes it just gets to tiring constantly striving to achieve something. Sometimes I just want a break to unwind before the storm hits again.

On the bright side, I have been able to catch up on some shows I've been meaning to. Once upon a time was one of my fav series to watch, simply because it entails fairy tales in a modern context, with crossovers between stories. The writers are so amazing, the way they weave intricate details and links between characters. Although I must say the show is kinda deteriorating.

Till next time.

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