Friday, September 25, 2015

25 sep

life is good. :)

driving was fun today i had a different instructor and he played pop musics while we drove.

i got to drive out myself and i cleared my module pretty fast

getting more confident driving now (Y)

the uber cab i called came super fast and i reached school in time to catch up with stats

managed to submit my stats assignment and got full marks for cognition quiz :D can i get a whatwhat bc cognition is such a tedious module

spoke to nicky and managed to get some htht in despite being in school

it's my official chinese birthday today so i get the mianxian w the red egg which doesn't really taste different from regular egg but it's cool because maybe it's been blessed or something idk actually


and i finally understood what's been getting me down lately. i might finally have a solution

all in all, t'was good day :)

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